A short Tale this time on how expectation can become a need and block our progress and limit possibilty
Teazel came to me here on the farm on 17th April 2015.
On 18th Aug 2015 I felt the urge to grab my notebook and pen and go and sit with her in the barn.
I started writing and at great speed I filled six pages with seemingly “automatic” writing.
From then up to the present day, whenever I get the feeling to sit with her, the same thing happens….
I start to write … the words just flow…… there are never any crossings out…. some words are written in capitals…. punctuation is added as I write.
I have no idea of what I have written until the writing stops and I read it back.
All of the following posts happened in the same way and all are recorded in the book shown below.
As I start to record these posts here on my website some five years after I originally wrote them, I am humbled, grateful and totally amazed at how they seem to accurately predict the path both my work and life have taken.
Thank you Teazel. You truly are my teacher!
I shall be regularly adding more of Teazel’s Tales to this page.
A short Tale this time on how expectation can become a need and block our progress and limit possibilty
A deep insight from Teazel and Evie into what is the Truth.
Evie is now joining in with Teazel – leading me to insights and experiences.
The words Evie gave me are all about our past experiences and how we carry them with us always.
A short message from Teazel and Evie about setting ourselves free of all limitations,
An insight to the expression of physicality – we are a Ripple in the Unified Field. It looks at how the ripples that create a horse and the human are inextricably connected.
In this offering from Teazel she is extolling me to trust in my work as it is what I am meant to do and will help others. Little did I know how a couple of years later all of this would come true.
Whilst this message was given to me, it applies to us all whatever you do and wherever you are on this path we call life.
Teazel led me to insights about how Enlightenment can be both amazing and scary!
Teazel speaks of the power of the point of stillness as a place where change and insight can happen.
In this tale inspired by Teazel, she leads me down a path of discovery of how anything and everything is possible.
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