Residential Retreat Reviews.

May Retreat 2023

“Our May retreat in beautiful mid West Wales could not have been more perfect.  From the moment I arrived and was greeted by Kathy with the most enormous hug, to the time I left with hugs and tears all round, I felt enveloped in a sense of peace, harmony and belonging.  In this lovely valley we talked and talked and talked about ourselves, our aspirations, backgrounds, hopes and fears.  Our small group provided a safe haven, with no judgement and active listening in which we could all explore ourselves.  It felt like peeling layers off an onion and I felt myself get lighter as the weekend progressed.  

With our busy lives and fragmented communities, the benefit of talking and sharing our thoughts has largely been forgotten.  But now I understand the importance of this simple thing and I have promised myself that I will spend more time talking with friends and family.  

We enjoyed the wonderful weather, walked in the local lanes and paths, walked on the beach and we sat with the horses and breathed in their contentment and beauty.  And of course we ate lots of cake!  

Thank you Kathy for creating this wonderful space for us to get together.  The bungalow was ideal and all the practical arrangements such as meals and transport were thoughtfully provided.

I would recommend this retreat to everyone who is on a journey of self exploration; I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.”  

Sarah – May 2023

“Myself and three other amazing individuals came together on Kathy’s May retreat, the weather was glorious and so was the cake!! Over the three days as a group we walked, talked, listened, laughed, cried and supported each other through honest and explorative conversations. Discussion just flowed and we all had time to explore aspects of ourselves we want to challenge or develop in a very open and non judgemental environment. On a personal level the retreat really helped to consolidate aspects of my life I had already been exploring and focused my attention on the fact that I have to make way more time for me, and maybe more time for cake!!”

May 2023


“From the moment I arrived I felt so ‘at home’ and the ‘welcome hug’ was the perfect way to start the weekend. 🥰

The mixture of time spent at the bungalow and out visiting the beautiful places around and being in nature worked perfectly for me. We were so very lucky to have such beautiful weather which allowed us to spend much of our time in the garden and the discussion time just seemed to flow so easily.

Topics showed themselves naturally and it felt a very safe space in which we all felt able to share and really open up. The visits to the beach and red kites were both wonderful and was a great opportunity to split into twos and threes and allowed the conversation to continue.

On a practical note, the bungalow was comfortable and homely and your hospitality just added the feeling of homeliness while we were there and the choice of locations for dinner each day were super! I loved the stroll along the ‘front’ on Saturday evening. ❤️ Also, your insistance on being designated driver was very much appreciated! 😁

Overall, it was a wonderful experience, which I very much hope we can repeat at some time in the future. The final word has to be about the hugs – AWESOME!!!”

May 2023

“It was a deeply moving experience. How often are we really heard in such a way, and equally how often do we spend so much time listening carefully without focussing on what to say in reply? It is amazing that we all felt safe to share some of our most personal and difficult feelings, despite never having met in person. Telling my life story gave me much food for thought about my own past, and it was wonderful to hear inspirational stories from everyone else.

I enjoyed the walks very much. It was lovely to be in such a beautiful setting- and the weather was very kind. The walks allowed different groups to form which was another valuable opportunity to share thoughts. I love deep conversation and really don’t enjoy cocktail party chat, so it was a real treat to get into some deep and meaningful conversations. It felt possible to say anything at all, which is amazing considering we had all only just met.

It was lovely to be together all weekend talking, eating, cooking and sharing. I think it was an important part of the whole experience that we did all those things together.

I came away feeling a deep sense of having been held in loving friendship, and felt a profound peace which I think is with me still. It felt very affirming of being myself and being wholly accepted and respected, without any question or criticism. I think to experience that is a very rare thing.

No doubt we will talk about this when we meet again, which I am looking forward to very much indeed. I’m not much of a writer so I feel I haven’t conveyed very well the depth of my feelings, but when we meet again that will be an opportunity to talk about it.

Thank you for being such a brilliant host and facilitator. You have a very unique and powerful personal energy.”

May 2023

March Retreat 2023

“What an honour it was to be one of the first people lucky enough to take part on this wonderful weekend.
       I (if you couldn’t guess) am not a typical ‘retreat’ goer, but thanks to Kathy and the ladies on the retreat it will certainly not be my last.
     I would highly recommend for one and all.

Thank you Kathy.

March 2023

“So I came back from Wales..

I met three complete strangers, people so different than I was considering myself to be and yet I connected with them on a deep level, I felt free of embarrassment and fear of judgment , we talked about things that we are inspired by and passionate about, we talked about miracles and woo woo, we laughed , we ate.. and this itself was worth the 5 hours trip from Scotland. I’ve learned (or maybe I was reminded) that all the people in this world are amazing and capable of incredible things, I’ve realized that I don’t have to search far to be in awe of people’s talents and amazing qualities because everyone of us carry a piece of divinity and it is only up to me to open my heart so I can see it.

Then it was a time for my session with Kathy.. first few days after I didn’t know what to think… something very surreal happened and I didn’t understand the meaning of it. Now, a week later I believe I have a received a reset to my youth setting when everything was a wonder. I stop and admire the world during my lunch break, the sound oh horse breath seem like a beautiful song..

Today I was driving to see my equine sisters and there I saw a buzzard flying low in front of my car, suddenly I felt so much happiness as it was I who was airborne, so much love towards him  that my eyes watered.

Miracle also happened this first week and I connected with someone very dear to me that I lost a sight for over 12 years..

What else can I say.. this Welsh weekend was like a breath of fresh air into my life and I feel it will have a ripple effect in the days to come..

Also on practical note: if You consider to go please force Kathy to take you to try the best cheesecake in the world!” 😉

Maya – March 2023

“what a lovely way to spend 3 days, when I read the description of the Point of Balance Retreat on Kathy’s website I could see she had put  a lot of thought in to this, just being able to rock up, put your car keys away and relax, was ideal, Kathy really looked after us, and it is totally up to the individual what you want to do during your time there, and with it only being open to 4 people, it is easy to focus”
Jacki – March 2023