Types of Sessions

To book any of the following sessions please contact Kathy via the Contact page


I offer sessions where you can come to me or I can visit you at your home and work 1:1 with you in person. Generally a e session lasts 60 mins . The 60 mins allows time for us to discuss what will happen during the session as well as, if wanted, what happened during the session.

Each person I work with is unique and so each session is unique. There is NO correlation at all between anything a person may experience during the session and any outcome that may occur.

If I travel to you a small charge for travelling may be added depending on the distance I have to travel and the number of sessions I do in any one place. I do my utmost to keep travelling charges to a minimum by doing as many sessions as possible in the course of one trip and all travelling charges are agreed at booking.

The cost of a session is £175 plus any agreed travelling costs.

Book a 1:1 session


I regularly carry out distance sessions with people in the UK and worldwide.

A distance session is carried out in the same way as when I work with a client in person. We arrange a mutually convenient time when the client can sit or lie down and relax. If you fall asleep during the session that is totally OK.
Some people feel sensations during the session, others do not. Either is perfect and has no effect on the efficacy or outcome of the session
I message at the agreed time to ensure that we are both ready and then carry out the session from my end exactly as if I was working in person. When I have finished, I message the client back and I can answer any questions you may have.

Whilst it is always lovely to meet clients in person, there are several advantages to carrying out a distance session.

The session can be arranged at the optimum time for the client during the day. No travelling is required by either myself or the client. This I feel is especially beneficial for the client as after a session many people report feeling very relaxed and pleasantly drowsy, so not having to drive home is a distinct bonus!
A session lasts around 45 mins.

The cost of a distance session is £75
Book a Distance session


Over the years of offering Point of Balance sessions I have come to realise there have been many occasions when I have been speaking with someone on the phone or via video link, discussing what is affecting them and by the end of the phone call the person feels so much better. They are relaxed and the problem has been resolved.

 I came to realise that whilst we have been talking I have not only been helping them by talking through their situation, but I have also been working on an energetic level (“zapping”) them as well in essence carrying out a session while we were speaking

Whilst I work most of the time not knowing why someone has come to me or why they wish me to work with their animals, there are times when a person needs their voice to be heard. Presence Sessions fulfil that need.
A Presence session is when we speak for the whole session, and I carry out the energy part of the session at the same time. 

A Presence Session can be carried out at distance via a phone call or video link, which ever the client prefers. As long as there is a phone or internet link, I can carry out a Presence Session with anyone anywhere in the world.

The cost of a Presence Session is £150

Book a Presence session


A Potential Session is when I work with you as you are doing something. It could be when you are painting or writing, riding your horse or in a business meeting. The opportunities are endless.
The intention of the session is to help you reach your full potential in the activity you are carrying out at the time whether you are at work or involved with a hobby.

I have been working in this way for many years now, but had never before thought to describe it as a separate type of session. The first Potential Sessions I carried out were over 12 years ago when I started working with cranial osteopaths as they worked with horses. 
I worked both in person and at distance with a number of cranial osteopaths and sacro-cranial therapists, and all reported to me that they could feel the benefit of us working together.
I then started working with people as they were riding or handling their horse, and again they could feel the benefit as I worked with them. Since then I have worked with people in a variety of situations from people in business meetings to artists and writers.
Krysia a writer who had her session as she was creating illustrations for her her new book, reported that it was really helpful as she felt that the need to be so critical about her work and have everything perfect fell away. She felt she stepped into the inspiration to just enjoy the process and have fun with it and she became much more accepting of the work she created.

Emily had her session as she was attending a business meeting which she envisaged might be a bit stressful. She told me that during the session as she attended the meeting, the following words came to her 
“It’s them not me.”  and
“You are so much more capable than you think you are. You are doing a lot.”
We spoke about the meaning of these words to her and it seemed that it was about her stepping into her self-confidence, about realising that her opinion did matter and that she was good at her work.
Her note to me after the session was
“Highly recommended 10 out of 10. Not for people unwilling to face really painful truths.”

This Potential Sessions can help you not only better your ability in your chosen activity, but also may help bring about a change in mindset and perception which in turn aids the way you work.

A Potential Session lasts 30 mins and the cost is £99

Book a Potential Session


This is the one session type that I hope you never have to use!
Unfortunately there are times when a loved one or friend is injured or suddenly becomes ill. If this is the case and you feel a session of Point of Balance may help, please do not hesitate to contact me straight away – day or night. 
Normally I schedule sessions in advance but with an emergency session I am happy to carry out the session as soon as I can day or night. 
There have been times when someone has sent me a message in the middle of the night and I have just happened to pick it up straight away. If I can I will work straight away, but whatever happens it will be as soon as I can and most certainly within a few hours.

This session is also suitable if your horse or pet falls ill or is injured. I have worked with horses (and a zebra!) suffering from colic, and several dogs and cats who have suddenly fallen ill.

The cost of an emergency session is £75

For an emergency session  – Please just contact me by whatever means available to you at the time- Messenger via the link on this page or via Facebook, WhatsApp, text, phone, email etc telling me who you would like me to work with and I will carry out the session ASAP.


My work with animals is very important to me. I work mainly with horses and dogs, but my work is suitable for any animal.

When working 1:1 or at distance with an animal as with a person, I like them to be where they are the most relaxed e.g. for a horse it might be in the stable or it might be in the field, for a dog lying in its basket or sitting with its owner.

I prefer to allow the animal to be free to move around, as horses in particular can respond by wanting to stand in a particular position or by carrying out sometimes massive stretches. Unless during the session the animal chooses of its own accord to look for interaction with the owner, I prefer them to be left to their own devices. 

As with people each animal reacts in its own individual way to the energy and information. 
My experience with horses has shown that whether a horse goes “in the zone” – very relaxed, licking and chewing and sometimes stretching, or whether they continue grazing and appear to  not to react at all during the session, it has no bearing on the efficacy or outcome of the session. 

With animals, as with people when working 1:1, I generally work hands off and the length of the session is usually 30 – 45 minutes.

I regularly work at distance with animals, both in this country and worldwide – truly distance is no object, the only thing I do have to factor in are the different time zones around the world.

The cost of a session with an animal is 

In person – £99 (plus any agreed travelling costs if I’m travelling to do the session)

At distance  – £75 
Book a Distance or 1:1 session for an animal