A video of love and intention, of energy and connection and of story.
This is a video of the amazing happenings that occurred when my beautiful friend Catriona McDonald came on one of her regular visits to see my horses Teazel and Evie.
This is a video of the amazing happenings that occurred when my beautiful friend Catriona McDonald came on one of her regular visits to see my horses Teazel and Evie.
A session of Point of Balance is not only about helping you move back to balance in order to regain your health. Another inherent part of this work is also about helping you find your path forward so that you can fulfil your potential.
A question I regularly get asked is what can a session Point of Balance can help with ? Anxiety, illness, cancer, depression?
My answer is always the same.
A session has the potential to help with any and all conditions, but I cannot make any change happen.
😊😊 audio file I recorded as I walked in the woods early on New Year’s Eve 2020. I thought I had received all the magic for the year, but I was lucky enough that the trees had a bit more to show me! #gratitude
After a conversation with Warwick Schiller who had just interviewed Rupert Isaacson author of the book and film The Horse Boy, for his podcast, this is what I experienced. Insights into energy, connection, consciousness and love.
Apologies for the sound quality – it was raining!!
A video showing the connection with all these horses as I worked with Tivo the bay in the foreground.
It was truly magical to be part of this gathering.
In this video I give an explanation of how I believe distance or remote sessions work.
For me it is all about intention. We are all energy and we are all connected, so physical distance does not come into play whether working in person 5 feet apart or at distance 5000 miles apart.
Instead it is the intention to connect that is important. Through that intention of connection I can carry out my work of Point of Balance, helping the system I work with find balance and thus health and happiness, peace and potential.
Walking along the forestry track with my dog Flossie I felt a huge energetic “connection” with something. I thought it was to barn owl energy, but did not see one as I walked. I did know however that whatever I was connecting to would be shown to me by the Universe.
True enough 24 hours later all was revealed when in exactly the same spot that I had felt the energy and connection, there sat a hare.
A quick video on the power of gratitude and how it can help you on a daily basis.
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