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Stepping into Wholeness

Kathy Price

23rd and 24th November 2024
Nr Hamilton
North Island New Zealand

With much love and gratitude to Brenna Barber for providing the venue


Sat 23rd Nov 9.30am – 4.30pm
Sun 24th Nov 9.30am – 2pm


entireness, entirety, integrality, totality, the state of being total and complete, comprehensive, fullness.

What do we understand by Wholeness?
Why do we crave Wholeness?
How can we work towards Wholeness?

Join me Kathy Price, for this 2 day workshop exploring the concept of Wholeness.

During our time together we will look at what we understand by Wholeness and how we may step towards Wholeness.

We will ask questions such as:-
What are the benefits of Wholeness?
How does Wholeness feel?
What does Wholeness mean to you?
What do we feel limits us stepping into Wholeness?
How can we move beyond those limitations?
How can we recognise and work with those parts of us that do not feel connected to the Whole?


Cost of the workshop is £200 (approx $425NZD)
Cost includes the two days of the workshop plus lunch and snacks both days.
When you click the button to sign up you will be directed to a form where you can fill in all your details.

Spaces on the workshop are limited. 
Payment is required with booking and can be via PayPal or card.

A limited number of 1:1 Point of Balance sessions will be available on Friday 22nd Nov at the same venue. Please email me at 
to book a session.
Cost of session on its own – £99
Cost of session and place on the workshop – £280