Below are some of the most commonly asked questions asked about Point of Balance.

If the question you have is not answer below, please feel free to contact me by


email:- info@kathyprice.co.uk


Phone:- +44 (0) 7968803776


or via Messenger on my Facebook Page “Point of Balance with Kathy Price”

A session of The Point of Balance works on all levels physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, this means that there are no boundaries or limits as to what conditions can be helped.

The system itself “knows” it is out of balance and so whether it is exhibiting “dis-ease” or has an injury due to trauma. A session of The Point of Balance allows the system to access the energy, light and information it requires to help heal itself.

You do not need to have any specific beliefs for this to work. The Point of Balance is not related in anyway to a belief system or religion. I work extensively with animals, horses in particular and have had some outstanding changes occur after a session. The horse obviously has no belief system, nor any idea of what I am doing. Their system reacts to what it feels and allows itself to move back into balance and so to health.

People do come to me for a session and it always lovely to meet my clients in person. However I live in the hills of mid-Wales which is not at all central, so it is not always practical for clients to visit me.
If someone is unable to travel to me, I can do a distance session which works in exactly the same way as having a session in person, and can be arranged for a mutually convenient time without anyone having to travel.
I can also travel to the client, which dependant on the distance from me, may incur travel expenses. If I am travelling to a client, I try to organise as many clients as possible in one area to keep travel costs to a minimum.
I am also available to come and give a talk on The Point of Balance, and am happy to organise sessions to fit in around the talk. This can also help cut any travel costs.

As yet. “modern science” has no answer to this question.
There are many theories as to how “action over a distance” may work, including intention, entangled particles and the fact that everything is energy so there is no actual “physical” barrier between things. Any and all of these may play a part in describing how distance sessions work.
As a scientist I would love to know, but for me my experience is my truth. Over the past 15 years I have carried out hundreds of distance sessions and have had many positive outcomes from these sessions both with people and animals, this has shown me it works in exactly the same way as a session in person.

With many modalities permission from the person receiving the treatment is required.
With The Point of Balance this is not the case. This is because the action of this modality is to help the person find for “themselves” what is needed to help bring them back into balance. Unlike some other modalities, at no time do I decide, direct or dictate what should happen or what the person needs. This means no permission is required as anything that does happen, occurs because the person themselves, following the innate knowledge of their system, step into their own unique Point of Balance and so back to health at all levels.