
Expectation 14.06.24

This morning I had been talking with one of my Gateway to You groups and the subject of expectation came up. We had a great back and forth about the subject.
I felt very drawn to go and sit with Teazel and Evie. As usual I have no idea what I am going to write until I sit down and actually start writing.
It was so interesting that the first thing I wrote was
“Is anything coming through?”
as it would be very easy for me to get to a place of expectation that just because I am sat with the horses, a subject will appear.
Probably no surprise then that the subject this time was expectation.


Is anything going to come through??
The power of expectation is one to take us out of ourselves.
With expectation comes an energy of direction – this is where I/we are heading for, going to go.
It can be a powerful energy fuelled by need/desire/want/lack of – the lack part is our reaction if we feel we are not good enough, we give ourselves an “expectation” of what we should be doing, what our work “should” look like.

By stepping into expectation we effectively close off any other possibilities, our energy/focus/mind is directed down the one path to fulfil the expectation. Any other versions of feeling, understanding or movement become effectively blocked.

Expectation can arise in so many different scenarios
– work

– health
– family

– pathway forward

Expectation comes into a “need” to reach a goal, perform an action, access a feeling.
That need has an energy that is not conducive to flow.
Flow is about being present in the moment, following the energy that is presented to us.
It is about releasing into and embracing our innate connection and wisdom trusting that we “know” the next right step, a step that we didn’t have to work out, think about or process.
We are being and doing in a way we are innately designed for.
If you like expectation narrows the beam from a torch.
If we shine a torch into the darkness looking for something we expect to see, a narrow beam will give us a very limited view of what is in front of us.
With no expectation it is as though we have switched the overhead light on, the whole vista is illuminated and from that view point we can step easily into the most appropriate place or onto the most powerful path that is right for us in that particular moment.

Confident Rider Podcast with Jane Pike and Tania Kindersley

Confident Rider podcast with Jane Pike, Kathy Price and Tania Kindersley

I had the absolute pleasure to join Jane Pike and Tania Kindersley on Jane’s Confident Rider Podcast. We got to riff on things such as
🍥 What is it we mean when we say that we are always learning from our horses?

🍥 What does it mean to live a live that feels spacious?

🍥 What is your relationship to time? How does it differ between horses and humans?

🍥 How might the creative process apply to our relationship with our horses?

The Truth

The Truth. Teazel and Evie 22.02.24

I felt the urge to go and sit with Teazel and Evie and below are the words I wrote down.
This time there was no clear understanding from which horse the individual thoughts and words came from, it just felt like a collaboration.
As always I have written it as closely as possible to how I wrote it in the presence of the horses, so apologies if the grammar and structure are not all they could be!!!

The Truth
What is Truth?
It is our perception of the world – events, ideas, thoughts and happenings.
Everything is coloured by our experience and teachings.
It colours how we see the world.
It colours how we feel about the world.
It colours how we feel about what happens.
It colours how we may judge the world and its happenings.

We have to understand that there are multiple truths – each one is a Truth for an individual.
The trick is not to judge.

When we realise that a person has a different Truth to us and even though in this moment from our different experiences/perception their Truth may be the total opposite to ours, it is useful to step into the thought that if we had lived their life(s) and had their experiences – THEIR Truth might be OUR Truth. 

Just as when multiple people look at the same tree at the same time, they all see a different tree.
They are all standing at a different angle, all in a different light, all viewing that tree from their own perspective.
This makes the tree individual to them.

And then if those people are asked to describe the colour green of the leaves and the texture of the bark on the trunk and branches – how would they do that?

Each person will describe the green of the leaves and the texture of the bark through their own experience and perception and no-one can deny the “Truth” of how each person sees them.

So with all our Truths.

Whilst we may have words to describe and explain our Truth, if others have a different Truth of that moment or experience, their words may fall on stony ground with us as we don’t understand because it is NOT OUR TRUTH.
The upshot of this is to accept that everyone has and is entitled to their own Truth.
There is no right nor wrong – only What Is.

A different Truth is not a time for judgement. Instead it is an opportunity to practise empathy and understanding that we all come to this moment through our own experiences and perception …..
and that is the TRUTH.

Evie’s Words

Evie's Words. 27.10.23

The other day I was so happy that my amazing friend Cat – (Catriona Macdonald of www.imaginalhorse.co.uk) came to work with both Teazel and Evie. It was a wildly busy day for me so I left Cat in the presence of my horses knowing I would get a full report later that day.

And oh what a report. Evie told and showed Cat how she Evie, felt she knew this area she is now living in, from living more than once here. Cat felt once it was ancient maybe thousands of years ago and once more recent as if Roman times. Evie has mentioned this to Cat before and Cat told me how Evie feels as though she can sometimes perceive the valley we live in as if in ancient times …… and then as it is now …… confusing her slightly and wanting her to stop and look. This is very much a seen trait of Evie’s, so maybe, just maybe that is what she is noticing – the fact that the valley is now so different from when she last knew it – who knows?

Cat’s information about Evie was very exciting and thought provoking and as Cat was relaying her experiences with Evie I had a sense of Evie in the days ahead maybe wanting to communicate more.

And this is indeed what she did. For those who know my work you may know already about the blog on my website called Teazel’s Tales. This is the collection of writings that have happened over the 7 years since Teazel came into my life where I have felt called to sit with Teazel, notebook and pen in hand and write whatever came to me.

Well today Evie took it a step further. As I was walking down the hill from feeding them both this morning, I could “feel” words coming through, but instead of writing them down I recorded them on my phone and then transcribed them. The words were from Evie and pertained to what Cat had described of Evie “knowing” this area from different times.

Who knows where these words actually come from – is it direct from Evie or is it that she puts me in a place/connection to receive them from The Field? It is a point I have sometimes wondered about, but realise that it is actually of no consequence how it happens, I am just blessed that it does. But I have to say this message DID feel as though Evie was sending it to me.

Below are the words that came to me this morning.

I hope you enjoy them
Love and hugs
Kathy xxx

Evie’s Words

I wanted to show you that every lifetime we have we do carry forward knowings of the previous lifetimes. To a certain extent me as a horse, you could say I have more ease to find these shimmering, glimmerings of memories or feelings from previous lives.

I feel the fact that I have been born and come to this valley is for a reason and it’s to help illustrate this. That through our many lifetimes, whether we are an animal or a person, we don’t actually forget what we’ve learned before. It depends how present we are as to how easily we can find those learnings.

But they are there.

We are pure energy.
And energy is information.

So even when we’ve died from one lifetime in the physical sense, all of the information that we had in that lifetime is still with us. So when we come into another lifetime, we in essence have that information, we have that knowledge. But it depends if we can access it as to whether we can use it.

It also depends whether the lesson that we’ve come to learn in this new lifetime is about something else. So maybe it’s not appropriate for us to access that previous knowledge, the knowledge that we carried forward in the new lifetime, because we have a similar lesson to learn but maybe from a different angle.

This is all about everything is one.

We are the trees, we are the land, we are the grass, all of the energy of physicality on the earth, which in itself is a massive energy, is all linked.

So me as Evie, when I came into the valley, I resonated with the energy of this place. It feels like I’ve been here before, if not once, then twice or maybe more times in different time zones, or eras as the humans see the time spectrum.

For me it’s a time slip bump from one to the other and back again. I can step back into the other. And this was a bit disconcerting for me when I started because I wasn’t sure what was happening in the sense that I knew the place of old. And then I knew the place of new and I was slipping between the two.

So it was a bit confusing. And I’d stop and stare and say why am I here? Where am I? Which lifetime moment am I in? But now I’m beginning to settle to this fact.

The fact I’m going to other lifetimes.

And this I think is what I bring forward. It is the fact that nothing is separate. Everything is connected through time, as well as space.
So although within linear time I may have been here 4000 years ago and 2000 years ago and now, and maybe in between as well.

It makes no difference.
It’s all one.
It’s all connected.
It’s all next door side by side.
There’s no distance between them.

I think that’s one of the lessons I’ve come to share.


The Nature of Us

I was so happy to be invited back by Robyn and Warwick Schiller to attend the Journey On Summit Down Under.

As before our TIC talk (Teach, Inspire, Connect) could be about anything that we were passionate about and that we wanted to share with the world.

This time round my talk was entitled “The Nature of Us”.

I am so happy and grateful to have had the opportunity to present at a Journey On Summit for the second time

If you would like to listen to all the talks and presentations over the 2 days of the Summit please click here

The Time to Set Yourself Free – with Teazel and Evie – 6.12.22

The Time to set yourself Free - with Teazel and Evie - 6.12.22

Now is the time for change. There are massive changes occurring on every level, be ready to step into them.
There has been a lead up to this point which has been about getting the people ready to make the transition into higher vibration and deeper knowing.

It is time to set yourself free from all the limitations you have imposed upon yourself.
Set yourself free from all the limited beliefs you had about yourself. 
You are at one with the Universe. 
You are the Universe.
Remember that and all possibilities will exist as never before.
This is always about what YOU let YOURSELF be. It is nothing about other people’s perception of you – good or bad. 
You have to trust yourself and step into yourself. This is the way for you to continue your journey on your highest path and with the richest experience.

Energy, The Mystical and The Magical with Jane Pike, Denise Byron and Kathy Price

Energy, The Mystical and The Magical a podcast with Jane Pike, Denise Byron and Kathy Price

This was such a wonderful opportunity provided by Jane Pike via her Confident Rider podcast to have an amazing conversation with my two friends Jane Pike and Denise Byron. Here we gave ourselves free rein to dive into the realms of energy and the unseen, to question what our purpose is and to have a few laughs along the way

Jane Pike’s work is about helping you understand more about your body and mind so you can find a way of living and riding that promotes vitality, responsiveness, and well being for both you and your horse.

Denise Byron is a psychic, visionary guide, and mentor with over 30 years’ experience, using astrological patterns to illuminate each client’s unique pathway to embody the magic of their life purpose more confidently. 

Dolly Lama podcast with Jane Pike, Tania Kindersley and Kathy Price

A Dolly Lama Podcast with Jane Pike, Tania Kindersley and Kathy Price

Jane, Tania and myself call ourselves the Dolly Lama group. This a name that has evolved from us wanting to try to incorporate in our conversations the joy, compassion and energy of the incomparable Dolly Parton and add to it the beautiful wisdom of the Dalai Lama. 
In this get together we talk of stuckness, authenticity and people pleasing and …. we giggle … quite a lot.
I do hope you enjoy listening to it as much as we did recording it.

A video of love and intention, of energy and connection and of story.

A Video of Love and Intention, of Energy and Connection and of Story